Lectors are responsible for reading the week's scripture during the ser. There are 1-2 lectors per service, depending on the week's reading.
Lectors are responsible for reading the week's scripture during the ser. There are 1-2 lectors per service, depending on the week's reading.

Ushers are responsible for greeting the congregation prior to the service, as well as dismissing groups for communion. Two Ushers are need for each service.

Acolytes are responsible for lighting and extinguishing the candles before and after the service. One acolyte is need for each service. Acolytes are normally youth from the congregation.

There are many ways to volunteer to be a steward. Opportunities to help with various events and missions appear in the back of our bulletins weekly.

Altar Care is responsible for removing the communion vessels and cleaning them, following proper church instructions. 1-2 volunteers are need weekly for Altar Care.

The Communion Assistant is responsible for aiding the pastor in distributing communion to the congregation. One volunteer is needed for each service.
If you have any questions, or are interested in volunteering, reach out to Jenna to get involved!